How You Can Help
- Donate Canes
- Attend Cane Restoration Events
- Fundraising
- Promotion and Outreach
- Grant Writing
- Mission Trips
- Graphic Design (brochures, flyers, social media posts)
- Finding Donors of Canes and Materials
- Translation of Mobility Training Material
- Serve on our Board

Join the Movement!
Interested in Volunteering? Please fill out the Interest Form Below!
Become a Board Member!
The members of the Board contribute management, legal, and financial skills needed to ensure long-term organizational stability, effectiveness, and excellence for You Cane Give Initiative’s mission. Please find the Board Member Application Form below, and email it to us at YouCaneGive@gmail.com.

Volunteer Interest Form
We are so grateful for your interest in volunteering with You Cane Give. Please indicate your Volunteering Interest (or Interests) below.
Become a Board Member!
The members of the Board contribute management, legal, and financial skills needed to ensure long-term organizational stability, effectiveness, and excellence for You Cane Give Initiative’s mission. Please find the Board Member Application Form below, and email it to us at YouCaneGive@gmail.com.