
How You Can Help

  • Donate Canes
  • Attend Cane Restoration Events
  • Fundraising
  • Promotion and Outreach
  • Grant Writing
  • Mission Trips
  • Graphic Design (brochures, flyers, social media posts)
  • Finding Donors of Canes and Materials
  • Translation of Mobility Training Material
  • Serve on our Board
Three, smiling, female volunteers holding canes and other supplies at a cane restoration event.

Join the Movement!

Interested in Volunteering? Please fill out the Interest Form Below!

Become a Board Member!

The members of the Board contribute management, legal, and financial skills needed to ensure long-term organizational stability, effectiveness, and excellence for You Cane Give Initiative’s mission. Please find the Board Member Application Form below, and email it to us at YouCaneGive@gmail.com.

Men and women on a YCG Mission Trip team, posing together.

Volunteer Interest Form

We are so grateful for your interest in volunteering with You Cane Give. Please indicate your Volunteering Interest (or Interests) below.

Become a Board Member!

The members of the Board contribute management, legal, and financial skills needed to ensure long-term organizational stability, effectiveness, and excellence for You Cane Give Initiative’s mission. Please find the Board Member Application Form below, and email it to us at YouCaneGive@gmail.com.

Men and women on a YCG Mission Trip team, posing together.