If you have not heard this interview I did with Elsa from Ethiopia, listen here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gq8f6lq23gzm5fi4x1y9u/Elsa-Asrat-interview.m4v?rlkey=gt0k5pe43fxq0ve0cjudg5tvb&dl=0
Elsa is returning to the school in May. We are supplying 105 canes and 10 solar powered talking Bible and cane mobility training guides for her to take to the school! The school and students are in such great need of materials, games, and anything else that you could imagine.
One idea is that the kids would greatly appreciate sports balls with the bells to make the balls accessible. These balls can range from $18-$30/piece.
Please consider making a donation at www.YouCaneGive.org to become a sponsor of this trip in May 2024. Your donation will make these children feel empowered, loved, and not forgotten.
We will be sure to recognize you and/or your organization on our socials and website. You can make this trip a special one for Elsa and the kids in Ethiopia. Donate and sponsor today!