As we enter the final days of our mission, our partner Chris reflects on an unforgettable experience that deeply touched the entire team.
Sometimes, special moments happen when you least expect them—moments that leave you speechless and stir your soul. That’s exactly what happened when the team arrived at Carpe Diem School in George, where Chris was scheduled to speak.
The talk was organized by the local Lions Club, and while the team was prepared for a meaningful session, they were not expecting one of the most touching experiences of the entire tour.
Empowering Special Needs Students with Mobility & Independence
Carpe Diem is a special needs school, home to incredible students facing a range of challenges—including cerebral palsy, mobility impairments, and learning disabilities. What made this visit truly special was seeing these students light up with joy as they were introduced to tools that could change their lives:
–White canes – Offering newfound independence and mobility
– Solar-powered audio players – Providing training, education, and empowerment
This moment was unforgettable for everyone involved. Sam, our incredible guide dog, stole the show, while Chris practiced his Afrikaans and Big Mike led Sam around the hall so that every child could say hello.
— Thank You for Making This Possible!
This mission would not be possible without your incredible support. Because of you, these students now have the tools to embrace autonomy, freedom, and a brighter future.
 Stay tuned for more updates as we complete this incredible journey!
 Learn more and support at:
#MobilityForAll #AssistiveTechnology #WhiteCaneAwareness #Empowerment #EducationForAll #SpecialNeedsSupport #BlindMobility #GuideDogLove #SouthAfricaMission #YouCaneGive #ChangingLives